Water also makes up between 55% and 78% of our bodies so it shouldn't come as a surprise to know that water is not only a primary necessity for us to have inside and out, but also that water itself can heal so many illnesses and unbalances that we may experience.
High blood pressure and high cholesterol are just two of the most common health problems that are essentially caused by an insufficient amount of water in our body. Water is essential to the good functioning of our system, so if we don't drink enough water the body will have to source it from the cells. Cholesterol is the substance that makes up the walls of the cells and it will be overproduced if the cells are under threat, as it happens when the cells don't have enough water. Therefore a very direct result of not drinking enough water is that the cells produce an increased quantity of cholesterol, which then overflows in the bloodstream resulting in what we call "high cholesterol".
An insufficient intake of water is also one of the main causes of high blood pressure. As an automatic response for not having enough water, the body will shut off the smaller capillaries and the blood will become thicker. A higher blood pressure will therefore be needed in order to pump the blood around and the heart will also have to work harder.
How much water should we drink?
A good ratio is roughly 1 litre of water for every 30 kilos of body weight. So a 60 kilos person should drink 2 litres of water every day, a 90 kilos person should have an intake of 3 litres and so on. An increased amount of water is required when exercising and when we have high temperature, like fever.
What type of water should we drink?
Rain water is definitively the best...!
Have you noticed how plants thrive with rain water? It's because water is a living organism that needs air, movement and sunlight, and rain water has all of that! On the other hand tap water is very often chlorinated and fluoridated... Many of us have heard the story about water fluoridation being used as a prevention for tooth decay... The reality is that after several decades of water fluoridation in countries like Australia and USA, many studies found that the incidence of tooth decay in Western European countries, where the water is not fluoridated, is exactly the same as in USA and Australia where the water is fluoridated.
The fact that water is a living organism has been proven by many years of study by Masaru Emoto, the author of "The hidden messages of water" who studied the quality of the water crystals as well as the response of the crystals to bad and good energy.
The Shimanto river is away from major cities and does not have big dams so it is a very healthy river, often referred to as "the last clear stream of Japan". On the other hand the Biwako Lake is well known for its highly polluted waters. The photos above of the crystals from the Shimanto river and the Biwako lake don't need any further comment... The study on water crystals by Masuro Emoto have also gone beyond the simple observation, as he found that the water crystals actually respond to positive or negative energy emanated by other living organisms around.
Salt water is an incredible healer for wounds, allergies, skin rashes as well as working beautifully for a blocked nose due to a cold or the flu. Try inhaling some ocean water next time you have a cold and you will reap the benefits of this incredible gift of Nature.
Salt water has also been found to be so similar to human blood to the point that it can be used as a substitute for blood in a transfusion. An eye-opener about this issue is provided by Dianne Jacobs Thompson in an article published on Nexus magazine in 2006