29 January 2011

Cancer is not a Disease, it is a Symptom!

Our body is a wonderful system and its precision in working to keep us healthy and strong is dependent on a balance of the right nutrients and the right environment.
If our daily diet is too unbalanced, or too harsh or indeed too acidic, our body will act promptly to re-establish the balance by using its own internal resources. In doing this our system might become depleted of some nutrients triggering the onset of an illness which will endure until the right nutrients are reintroduced in the body and the balance is achieved again.

A very common and simple example of this is high blood pressure caused by dehydration (there are also other causes of high blood pressure which will be addressed later). If we don’t drink a sufficient quantity of water every day the body will source it from the cells and the blood. This will in turn make our blood thicker and cause a rising of blood pressure. (http://earthlyenergies.blogspot.com/2010/09/water-wonderful-gift-from-nature.html)

The process that starts cancer seems to be similar, even though a bit more complex.
There is a particular type of cells in our body which is called “trophoblast”. About 80% of the trophoblast cells are stored in women’s ovaries and men’s testes and they play a fundamental role in the conception and pregnancy. The remaining 20% of the trophoblast cells are everywhere else in the body and they are used to start a healing process in case of an injury, trauma or illness.

In 1902, John Beard a Scottish embryologist, found that the trophoblast cells are the ones protecting the implanting foetus against the mother’s immune system and that, 9 months later when the birth is imminent, some pancreatic enzymes from the baby and the mother cause the destruction of the trophoblast cells and the consequent expulsion/birth of the new life. Trophoblast cells are also known to be multiplying faster than normal cells and to be immune-resistant.
John Beard also found that trophoblast cells are involved in the cancer process, surrounding the cancer and making it multiply and metastasize rapidly if they are not stopped at the right time by the intervention of enzymes. John Beard’s theory, also known as the Trophoblast Theory of Cancer, has been researched and studied by many other scientists and we now know that some pregnancy tests which are based on the presence of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) can actually show the presence of cancer in men and in non pregnant women.
One of the possible causes of cancer is that an injury, or a trauma, or a high concentration of toxicity in the body triggers the formation of a cancerous tumour through the intervention of the healing trophoblast cells, but because of nutritional deficiencies our body does not have the enzymes required to finish the work of the trophoblast cells and expel the cancer. Therefore it seems that the deficiency of important nutrients in our diet weakens and often prevents the ability of our body to react to cancer and get rid of it.

A correct and balanced diet which is mainly based on plenty of fresh, raw and possibly organic fruit and vegetables, increases the amount and strength of enzymes in our body and also keeps the pH alkaline (http://earthlyenergies.blogspot.com/2011/01/link-between-ph-and-cancer-and-some.html). An alkaline level of 7.4 provides an environment in which cancer cannot grow and will not survive. Also, the presence of enzymes ensures the correct functioning of the trophoblast cells and the consequent expulsion of cancer.

A predominantly vegetarian diet, with a very scarce use of meat, is fundamental to achieve and maintain a healthy level of pH (7.4) as well as plenty of good enzymes in our body. First of all fruit and vegies are generally high in anti-oxidants which are one of the first barriers of our body against the free radicals, known to cause several diseases including cancer. Secondly many fruit and vegetables actually contain precious enzymes therefore contributing to the enzyme storage of our body. Papain for example, an enzyme present in papaya, is well known in fighting cancer. On the contrary our body needs a huge amount of enzymes to digest meat and therefore eating meat actually depletes the body of enzymes.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only; it should not be used for diagnosis or to guide treatment without the opinion of a health professional. Any reader who is concerned about his/her health should contact a licensed medical professional.

13 January 2011

5 golden rules to a slimmer and healthier you!

Christmas holidays are a beautiful time of the year full of love, full of presents but also full of cakes, chocolates and generally speaking full of unused calories which all go straight to hips (for us girls) and stomachs (for the boys)...

I’m not a believer in strict diets which have lots of “no-foods” and that do not educate people to a better nutrition which becomes a lifestyle and which is forgiving of some chocolate sins and some fish-and-chips outings that we all love every now and then.

This is why I decided to share with all of you my 5 golden rules for nutrition which have been part of my lifestyle for many years, are easy to follow (no need to look up a complex calendar to see what you can have for dinner each day!) and above all work very well!!

1. Drink a good glass of water before you put any food in your mouth!
Water is one of the most important elements for the good functioning of our bodies. If our daily intake of water is not sufficient the consequences, like high blood pressure and high cholesterol, are quite immediate. Everyone should aim to a daily minimum of 1 litre of water per every 30 kilos of body weight, and increase this quantity when you are exercising or if you live in warmer temperatures. Also, very often when our bodies are dehydrated, we might feel hungry rather than thirsty, so it’s a good idea to drink a good glass of water before any meal: it will replenish the water content in your body and partially fill up your stomach taking the edge off the hunger and making you eat a bit less during the meal.
It is also a good practice to start a day with a glass of water in which you squeeze half a lemon or lime. These fruits, even though they are acidic, become alkaline when they enter our system, and a pH of 7.4 is essential to lose weight and keep it off!

2. Make sure that half of your plate is taken by green fresh veggies!
The best thing is to have a giant fresh salad made up of different leaves (lettuce, spinach, rocket and basil are just a few typical choices), a couple of tomatoes, celery, carrots, raw mushrooms and whatever else you like in a salad. Now, the secret is to have 2 or 3 mouthfuls of salad before you have anything from the main dish. I often do this when we are having a takeaway pizza, but you can do that with any other meal which is not 100% healthy like fish and chips, or your favourite takeaway. I find that by eating the salad first, I fill up some more space (some has already been taken by the glass of water!) and when I get to the pizza I only have a couple of slices.

3. Combine the right foods...
The right combination of foods is highly important both for weight loss and for a healthier body.
Excellent combinations are:
a) Proteins (like meat, fish and eggs) and non starchy vegetables (lettuce, mushrooms, broccoli, zucchini, tomatoes, capsicum, spinach, asparagus, cabbage and green beans to name a few);
b)Starchy vegetables (like potatoes, pumpkin, peas, carrots, beans and corn) with proteins and non starchy vegetables.
c) Grains (like pasta, bread, millet and couscous) with non starchy vegetables.
4. Delay the sweet foods cravings!
Sugar and sweet foods are acid forming in our body, which means that they make us fat in two ways: first by creating acids which our body has to “pack away” in fat cells, and secondly by providing us of an excessive amount of calories in just a mouthful. So, when you have a craving, before you go to the pantry and grab a packet of chocolate biscuits, drink slowly a glass of water... then munch on a piece of fresh fruit or a carrot or some celery... If you are still craving, now you can go a grab a piece of chocolate, make sure it is a small one and don’t feel guilty about it, enjoy it and tell yourself that you are a healthy person and you are improving every day!

           5. Walk it off, dance it off, swim it off and remember to smile!
Exercise does not need to be a boring chore that we have to do to keep healthy...
If you have a dog take him for a long walk of at least 20 minutes every day, walk with long steps, breathing deeply and aim to increase your speed a little bit every day to the point of doing a light jog... Your fourlegged friend will be very grateful too!
Maybe you prefer dancing? Get your partner or a friend to join you and enroll in some dancing classes of your favourite style... it’s heaps of fun and it will get your heart beating!
If you live close to the ocean you can go for a walk and a swim in the morning, it’s a fantastic and energizing way to start the day, and you also get the benefits of all the gorgeous minerals that are in the ocean, magnesium included!
And last, but not least, make sure you keep a positive attitude, don’t nag yourself if you commit a little chocolate sin but congratulate yourself for becoming every day a slimmer, healthier and happier person!!

01 January 2011

The link between pH and cancer (and some other common ailments!)

The body pH is a measure of alkalinity and acidity in our entire system.

PH stands for Potential of Hydrogen and it is closely related to the amount of oxygen our cells and organs have available. The ideal pH for a person is around 7.4 which leans more towards alkalinity.

The reason why the pH is so important is that:

    1. The vast majority of diseases including heart disease, cancer, nerve problems, premature aging and allergies, just to quote a few, have all been linked to an acidic pH, lower then 7.4

   2. The average typical western diet is highly acid forming, therefore causing our pH to be lower than 7.4 and consequently cause our bodies to be much more susceptible to disease.

In 1928 Dr Otto Warburg, a biochemist and a doctor, discovered that tumor cells are anaerobic which means they don’t breathe oxygen. In 1931 Dr. Warburg received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his research.

Many recent studies have confirmed what Dr. Warburg found, which is that an oxygen deprived, acidic environment is highly conducive to cancer. When our pH is 7.4, and therefore there is plenty of oxygen in our system, cancer cells are very weak and are easily overcome by our immune system.

Every food is either alkaline or acid in itself, and it is also alkaline or acid forming after having been processed by our body. Very often however the inherent alkalinity or acidity of a food is completely different from the final pH impact that a particular food has on our body.

For example citrus fruit like oranges, limes and lemons are renowned for being acidic however, after they have been digested and processed by our bodies, they actually become alkaline forming and therefore contributing our own pH to be more alkaline.

Refined sugars are very acid forming which is also one of the reasons why alcoholic drinks like beer, wine and spirits contribute heavily to lower our pH towards the acidic.

Salt on the other hand has an alkaline forming effect and the pH of ocean water is typically between 7.9 to 8.2 and for this reason it can be used in its isotonic form, diluted and cold-filtered, as a plasma substitute in a blood transfusion.

The typical traditional western diet is heavily based on acid forming foods: meat, dairy products, white pasta and bread, refined sugars, pastries, highly processed foods, tea, coffee, beer, wine and spirits are all overly present in our daily diet contributing to a higher acidic pH in our bodies.

Alkaline forming foods such as green leafy vegetables and fruits are too often relegated to a secondary role in our meals as small quantities side dishes and in many cases used just as a “visual” and colourful garnish for the main dish.

The table below is a guide to learn the alkalinity and acidity of some common foods. In your daily diet try to pick 75% of foods from the 3 columns on the left (alkaline forming foods) and 25% from the 3 columns on the right (acid forming foods).

You can check the pH of your saliva by using pH strips. They are usually available at the chemist as well as on the internet. If your pH is more towards the acidic (below 7) the best thing to do is start immediately a diet with more foods from the alkaline columns and very little foods from the acidic columns. Try to avoid completely the foods in the right end column (+++ ACID) for a few weeks and take some aluminium free bi-carb soda every day, one teaspoon in a glass of water. Check your pH level daily, first thing in the morning as you wake up and before you put anything into your mouth.

Please note: The table below is only meant to give an approximate indication of alkalinity and acidity in some common foods. It should therefore be used just as a guide and not as a precise measurement tool.
Vegetable Juices, Parsley, Raw Spinach, Broccoli, Celery, Garlic, Barley Grass
Carrots, Green Beans, Lima Beans, Beets, Lettuce, Zucchini
Squash, Asparagus, Rhubarb, Fresh Corn, Mushrooms, Onions, Cabbage, Peas, Cauliflower, Turnip, Beetroot, Potato, Olives, Soybeans, Tofu
Sweet Potato, Cooked Spinach, Kidney Beans

Pickled vegetables
Dried Figs, Raisins
Dates, Blackcurrant, Grapes, Papaya, Kiwi, Berries, Apples, Pears
Coconut, Sour Cherries, Tomatos, Oranges, Cherries, Pineapple, Peaches, Avocados, Grapefruit, Mangoes, Strawberries, Papayas, Lemons, Watermelon, Limes
Blueberries, Cranberries, Bananas, Plums, Processed Fruit Juices
Canned Fruit


Lentils, Sweetcorn, Wild Rice, Quinoa, Millet, Buckwheat
Rye Bread, Whole Grain Bread, Oats, Brown Rice
White Rice, White Bread, Pastries, Biscuits, Pasta


Liver, Oysters, Organ Meat
Fish, Turkey, Chicken, Lamb
Beef, Pork, Veal, Shellfish, Canned Tuna & Sardines

Soy Cheese, Soy Milk, Goat Milk, Goat Cheese, Buttermilk, Whey
Whole Milk, Butter, Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, Cream, Ice Cream
Eggs, Camembert, Hard Cheese
Parmesan, Processed Cheese

Hazelnuts, Almonds
Hazelnuts, Almonds
Pumpkin, Sesame, Sunflower Seeds
Pecans, Cashews, Pistachios
Peanuts, Walnuts

Flax Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Canola Oil
Corn Oil, Sunflower Oil, Margarine,

Herb Teas, Lemon
Green tea
Ginger tea
Tea, coffee, beer, spirits
Maple Syrup, Rice Syrup
Raw Honey, Raw Sugar
White Sugar, Processed Honey
Milk Chocolate, Brown Sugar, Molasses, Jam, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Vinegar
Artificial sweeteners