17 April 2011

Get Rid Of Cellulite In 5 Easy Steps.

Which woman out there hasn’t, at some time in her life, looked at herself in the mirror horrified at the discovery of the familiar and unsightly “orange peel” look of cellulite around hips, thighs and buttocks? Very few of us might be lucky enough to raise their hand and say “it has never happened to me!” and they are a very fortunate minority.

Apart from being a very common problem, both for the slim and the more generously rounded of us, cellulite is also a typical female complaint and it is very rare in males. This is due to the very nature of cellulite which is a consequence of fat and toxins being stored in the cells straight under the skin, causing the typical orange peel effect. Women fat cells are very different from the men fat cells. In women the chambers containing the fat cells are bigger than in the men and they are also higher in numbers. 

The normal fat percentage in a woman’s body is between 21% and 35%, whereas in a man’s body is between 8% and 25%.

As for pretty much everything else, getting rid of cellulite is the result of a holistic approach that takes into consideration what happens inside the body (causes) as well as the outside (symptoms), where the cellulite shows its dreaded presence. So, here are my 5 steps to get rid of cellulite, get healthier and improve your self esteem:

1.    Hydrate adequately
2.    Apply a combination of essential oils
3.    Promote oxygen circulation
4.    Prepare yummy healthy meals
                    5.    Yearn for a daily good long walk

     1.Hydrate adequately. Our body is made of up to 75% water which is fundamental for all the vital functions of the system including flushing out the toxins, which are part of the cellulite problem together with fat. The minimal daily intake of water that we need is, more or less, a litre of water for every 30 kilos of body weight. If you live in a hot climate, or if you are exercising or if you are unwell, your daily amount of water should increase to make up of the water you lose with perspiration, sweating and internal cleansing (when you are sick). One very important factor, which is often missed when talking about water intake, is that for our body to use the water intake in the most efficient way we need salt. In order for the water to get inside the cells and carry out excess fat and toxins, it is fundamental to have salt and start the osmosis process which promotes the exchange of water in and out of the cells and therefore the clearing of toxins. For a more in depth information about which salt to use, go to

2.            Apply a combination of essential oils. There are several essential oils that are very helpful in increasing blood circulation as well as fight fluid retention and lymphatic congestion: rosemary, black pepper, geranium, sage, grapefruit, cypress, lavender, helichrysum and patchouli. When you prepare yourself a blend of essential oils, always remember that all the oils made from citrus fruit are photosensitive, which means they can cause irritation if used up to 6 hours before exposure to the sun. Choose the essential oils that most appeal to you and add them to a carrier oil (I use apricot kernel and rosehip oil) and massage them on the skin area that show the cellulite with circular movements going upwards towards the heart. You can also use a soft brush in the same way to achieve a massage of the lymphatic vessels and to improve blood circulation on the skin surface. I make my own blend for cellulite with added DMSO for a better penetration in the skin and a teaspoon of “sole”, a solution of Himalayan crystal salt and water.

3.            Promote oxygen circulation. In other words breathe deeply, possibly while relaxing and enjoying 15 minutes all for yourself, in the morning upon waking up is the best time. Find a nice place where you are not going to be disturbed for 15 minutes. Face the sun if you have the luxury of a sunny day, close your eyes and breathe in deeply, enjoying the air going through every cell of your body. Breathe in positive thoughts and breathe out all your worries, anxiety and stress. Stress has a huge impact on the congestion of fat and toxins that cause cellulite.

 4.         Prepare yummy healthy meals. Increase your intake of fresh fruit, raw salads, veggies, nuts and seeds while trying to be conservative with dairy products, meat and processed sugar (like cakes, biscuits and ice-cream). A very important thing to remember is that our body has only one signal to indicate thirst as well as hunger. Many people who have a weight problem tend to respond to this “call” by eating first. A good rule of thumb is to have a couple of glasses of water when you first feel “hungry”. Wait 15-20 minutes and then have something to eat. You will find that you eat less food altogether and probably you will also feel less prone to eat junk food. 

Pay some attention also to the combination of foods you prepare.

Excellent combinations are:
- Proteins (like meat, fish and eggs) and non starchy
(lettuce, mushrooms, broccoli, zucchini,
  tomatoes, capsicum, spinach, asparagus, cabbage and
  green beans to name a few);
- Starchy vegetables (like potatoes, pumpkin, peas,
  carrots, beans and corn) with proteins and non starchy
- Grains (like pasta, bread and millet) with non starchy

5.        Yearn for a daily good long walk. The best exercise you can do to fight cellulite is cardio-vascular which keeps the blood circulation moving and the lymphatic system active.

And last, but not least, be HAPPY, smile more often, be nice to yourself and to others, think positively, make sure that you always have the sun in front of you so that shadows, worries, doubts, anxiety and fear are behind you. Stress is a big factor, not only for cellulite, but also for heart disease and many other ailments. Positive living, on the other hand, makes the immune system stronger and ready to fight disease. I’m not trying to say that you shouldn’t feel angry, sad or worried. All these feelings are important and need to be expressed. However, staying angry, sad and worried long after the causes of those feeling are gone, only hurt the people who dwell on them, weakening the immune system and causing nothing but grief. Smile often, appreciate the little beautiful things that make your day and let your loved ones know that you love them and treasure their presence around you...

Lastly, share this information with the man in your life. Even if they don’t get as much cellulite as we do, the five steps we have just outlined, being part of an holistic approach, will benefit everyone. Moreover, it will be easier for you to improve your diet and exercise program if you have someone that does it with you, and it will be great for both of you!

03 April 2011

Get Rid Of Yeast Infections, Psoriasis And Fungal Infections Forever!

One of the most common causes of yeast infections, psoriasis and fungal infections is the fungus Candida Albicans which is commonly found in the digestive system and bowels of many people.

Fungi are part of the plant world (mushrooms are in the fungi family) and they are often found in many people without causing them any particular problem. When the immune system is compromised, or when our body leans too much towards and acid pH, then the fungi will take over, become more aggressive and the skin, as well as some particularly vulnerable mucous membranes in the mouth and in the vaginal tract, will quickly show the signs of the attack. 

Once we re-establish the pH of the body to its natural state which is around 7.4 (neutral with a slight tendency to alkaline) the fungal/yeast infection, as well as psoriasis, will quickly reduce and go away. Cancer cells as well respond in much the same way to our body pH, thriving and becoming very aggressive in an acid environment and being quickly wiped off in a neutral to alkaline environment. This is probably one of the reasons why some theories claim that cancer is caused, or it is started, by a fungus.

Therefore the problem has to be approached from both points of view: topically, on the skin where the fungal infection is evident, and internally to get the fungus back to a less aggressive state.

The pH scale goes from 0, being the most acidic, to 14 which is the most alkaline. A pH of 7 is therefore neutral. It is important though to understand that the difference between each number on the pH scale represents a tenfold up or down the next number. For example, a pH of 6 is ten times more acidic than a pH of 7, and a pH of 5 is one hundred times more acidic than 7. Pure water has a pH of around 7, just like our body. Most carbonated soft drinks have a pH of around 3 which is - did you guessed it? – about ten thousand times more acidic than what your body is...

Helping your body to become more alkaline is a very easy process.

Start your day with half glass of water in which you dissolve half a teaspoon of bicarb soda. Take it first thing in the morning with an empty stomach. Follow it by another glass of water (with no bicarb soda this time). The bicarb soda is a very well known alkaliser and it destroys any fungus that it comes in contact with. The second glass of water will help to prepare the digestive system for breakfast and help cleaning up the bowels.

Adjust your diet so that you increase fruit and vegetables that are more alkaline like: alfalfa sprouts, cucumbers, broccoli, green peas, garlic, asparagus and green mustard, nectarines, watermelon, raspberries, pineapple and mangoes.

At the same time try to limit the intake of acid forming foods like meat and chicken, favouring instead fish which is much less acid forming.

As a quick rule of thumb sugar, believe it or not, is acid forming while on the other hand citrus fruits and pure sea salt are alkaline forming. Therefore try to limit your intake of alcohol and stay away from sweet and processed foods like cakes and ice cream. 

Another very good ally to us to get rid of a fungus is apple cider vinegar. If your fungal infection is in the form of psoriasis of the scalp you can, after a shampoo and before the final rinse, mix half a cup of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water, pour it over your head and let it be absorbed by the hair and the scalp. Leave it there for up to 30 minutes then rinse with plenty of water. There won’t be any residual smell from the apple cider vinegar and your hair will look shiny and healthy.

You can also use apple cider vinegar on salads. Apple cider vinegar has a much less pungent taste compared to wine vinegar and it is also a healthier choice.

For a topical application the essential oils which are most indicated to treat yeast infections, fungal infections and psoriasis are: tea tree oil, lavender, myrrh, thyme, helichrysum, patchouli, chamomile and lemon. Some people might respond better to a particular blend of oils rather than a different one, so it is important to try different combinations until you find the one that works better for you.

When you prepare a blend of essential oils, always use a carrier such as almond or apricot kernel oil to dilute them (this is especially important if you use thyme essential oil) and use that particular blend for at least a couple of weeks. Then, if there is only little or no improvement at all, try a different combination.

If you are pregnant, or breast feeding, or if you have a heart condition, make sure that you check every essential oil that you would like to use, as some essential oils (like helichrysum, myrrh and thyme for example) cannot be use during pregnancy and breast feeding.
Also, remember that essential oils are used topically to help with the symptoms, but if the body pH is still too acid and is not taken back to 7.4, the fungus will keep on coming back.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only; it should not be used for diagnosis or to guide treatment without the opinion of a health professional. Any reader who is concerned about his/her health should contact a licensed medical professional.